Friday, May 2, 2014 2:49 PM Local Time
Big Double Up for Ting Ho
TJ Thondup raises to 350 from under the gun. Cord Garcia calls from middle position, and then Ting Ho raises 900 from the big blind. Thundup re-raises to 2,500, and both Garcia and Ho call.
The flop comes , and action checks to Gardia. He bets 2,800. Ho check-raises to 6,800. Thondup thinks for a minute before folding, and then Garcia calls.
The turn is the , and Ho immediately pushes all in. Garcia calls, and the players turn up their cards:
Garcia is ahead with his set of kings, but Ho has outs with her flush draw. The river is the , completing Ho's flush, and securing her a double up.
Ting Ho - 46,000
TJ Thondup - 17,500
Cord Garcia - 8,000