Friday, January 31, 2014 9:55 PM Local Time
Clifford Billups Has Chips and Quips
Jonathan Gavaio's tenure atop the counts did not last long. One of the previous big stacks, Clifford Billups, is now sitting on 250,000 after a big pot where he eliminated a player. We missed the action of the hand, but we did get to the table in time to hear Billups fill the table in on his key catch phrases at the table.
"[In that hand] I resisted the urge to tell the guy, 'Night night.' That is one of my sayings," he explains. He adds that he wants to put that catchphrase on the back of a t-shirt, while the front would boast his other favorite poker saying, "That's right."
"When you win a hand, you say 'that's right', but when you send a guy home, you tell him, 'night night'," Billups tells the table as he stacks up his mountain of chips.
Clifford Billups - 255,000