Jonathan “Art.Vandelay” Dokler Captures First Bracelet of 2020 WSOP; Hellmuth’s Run Falls Short in 11th Place Jonathan Dokler winning his BPO title earlier this year.

The 2020 World Series of Poker (WSOP) Online Bracelet Events kicked off on Wednesday afternoon with Event #1: $500 No-Limit Hold'em Kickoff. The tournament attracted 1,195 runners who rebought 520 times to create a 1,715-entry field and $771,750 prize pool.

For much of the tournament, all eyes were on Phil "Lumestackin" Hellmuth as he made a run at bracelet No. 16, but he eventually fell by the wayside two spots shy of the final table. Down the stretch, it was Ohio's Jonathan "Art.Vandelay" Dokler who sped to the finish line to capture the title for $130,425.75 and his first gold bracelet.



1 Jonathan Dokler Art.Vandelay $130,425.75
2 Justin Turner MadTitan $80,416.35
3 George Dunst Panoramic $57,881.25
4 Shawn Daniels SayGoodNight $42,060.37
5 Michael Balan DDSpade $30,947.17
6 Kyle Shappelle ChefShap $22,998.15
7 Daniel Park djp1006 $17,287.20
8 Mark Liedtke NostraDonkus $13,119.75
9 Taylor Von Kriegenbergh ZeroTo100 $10,109.92
10 Jonathan Hamilton JWDH91 $7,871.85
11 Phil Hellmuth Lumestackin $7,871.85
12 Jon Turner havuuuuuc $7,871.85
13 Rachel Ashley Hopper HarveyHound $6,174.00
14 James Agate aggie69 $6,174.00
15 Richard Newman spiderlion $6,174.00
16 Robert Ianniello FLOPSETS $4,862.02
17 Balakrishna Patur pbkreddy $4,862.02
18 Michael Miller Johndoe31 $4,862.02
19 Matthew Mich Michmeister $3,935.92
20 John Durrant DoUEvenFold $3,935.92
21 Jose Noboa bad_beat $3,935.92
22 Joanne Liu artiliu $3,935.92
23 Michael Wang miw210x $3,935.92
24 Stephanie Hubbard stephhub31 $3,935.92
25 Ryan Tosoc Toosick $3,935.92
26 Taylor Howard gambol_time $3,935.92
27 Seth Gottlieb Allinbox2019 $3,935.92
28 Farzad Tafti Hades_Man $3,164.17
29 Daniel Sindelar Feeltheflow $3,164.17
30 Dylan Thomassie GIFAFI $3,164.17
31 Roger Mason BeachGuy71 $3,164.17
32 Daniel Fischer IntoTheRiver $3,164.17
33 Matthew Stout RubberFist $3,164.17
34 Michael Lind Bballlind10 $3,164.17
35 Christopher Basile Basile28 $3,164.17
36 Sean Yu DeezSFY $3,164.17
37 Brian Mancilla Penny6 $2,623.95
38 Lewis Dammann Midas14 $2,623.95
39 Jordan Spurlin HFNeon $2,623.95
40 Brian Meadows Bcmeadows22 $2,623.95
41 Justin Miller jmills419 $2,623.95
42 Nicholas Schulman CashUsKlay $2,623.95
43 Andrew Bevernitz bodysnatcher $2,623.95
44 Mike Matusow Mouth123 $2,623.95
45 Shawn Gill shawnisgone $2,623.95
46 Nabyl Simmons Nabyl89 $2,238.07
47 Chris Shebat Sheb_Poker $2,238.07
48 Gordon Vayo veilleux $2,238.07
49 Don Nguyen banhmi $2,238.07
50 Conrad Coetzer buggi $2,238.07
51 Raouf Malek JankCity $2,238.07
52 Preston Johnson ithefuture $2,238.07
53 Charalampos Charalampakis CoffeeMonkey $2,238.07
54 Kenneth Neri ACE710 $2,238.07
55 Joseph Liberta MegolaMan1ac $1,929.37
56 Corey Paggeot Corgasm $1,929.37
57 Soheb Porbandarwala TommyConway6 $1,929.37
58 Ralph Castaneda Codnofish $1,929.37
59 Anthony Paolini Drose03 $1,929.37
60 Ruben Bahamon Blind_Rabbit $1,929.37
61 Jeffrey Gross MahaKala108 $1,929.37
62 Tyler Sumrall TIPnTimeBOMB $1,929.37
63 Ryan Buckholtz BuckBox $1,929.37
64 Clayton Fletcher clayfletch $1,620.67
65 Justin Lapka LappyPoker $1,620.67
66 Rob Pisano RobPisano $1,620.67
67 Jonathan Borenstein jetsfan14 $1,620.67
68 Connor Berkowitz NYR9414 $1,620.67
69 Howard Wolper HOWIEBABY101 $1,620.67
70 Matthew Ferrante mferr1209 $1,620.67
71 Matthew Rosen saul_goodman $1,620.67
72 William Corvino SWAGGYB $1,620.67
73 Giovanni Balistreri John7012 $1,466.32
74 Luke Donato caravels $1,466.32
75 Lucas Gatti CoolHandLuke $1,466.32
76 David Gutfreund davedadonk $1,466.32
77 Michael Reisman michaelreis $1,466.32
78 Jeffrey Cole RonSwanson $1,466.32
79 David Farah dkf08 $1,466.32
80 Scott Herrmann donkspi $1,466.32
81 Rashaun Gowdie RastaKings $1,466.32
82 Jacob Toole tooletime13 $1,311.97
83 Michael Cohen 49erSuited $1,311.97
84 Corey Prisoc jhaynes2433 $1,311.97
85 Shawn Kjetland Clairvoyant $1,311.97
86 Mason Barrell BIG_MACE $1,311.97
87 Anthony Lefevre Ant82 $1,311.97
88 Desmond Haynes Deezz_Nutzz $1,311.97
89 Adam Lamphere BigPapa517 $1,311.97
90 Bobby Mclawhorn bcmclawh $1,311.97
91 Omar Mehmood om167 $1,157.62
92 Donna Dicrescento dd817 $1,157.62
93 Michael Rice quantumpkr $1,157.62
94 Raj Patel BabaYaga666 $1,157.62
95 Alexander Rocha RIP_Neiko $1,157.62
96 Gueorgui Gantchev Gueorgig14 $1,157.62
97 Jason Lawhun LuckDuck $1,157.62
98 William Reynolds Jnug1 $1,157.62
99 Nesrine Reilly Anahata $1,157.62
100 Melissa Bryne LuckMgmt $1,080.45
101 Thomas Cannuli .BEAST. $1,080.45
102 Sandeep Mathai sansara52 $1,080.45
103 Wendy Freedman Cardthartic $1,080.45
104 David Baker YoungPitts $1,080.45
105 Jason Dewitt heybuddyyyyy $1,080.45
106 Conrad Simpson IamNotBlack $1,080.45
107 Tavis Higgins sirgeorge $1,080.45
108 Vincent Ablahani Meatball44 $1,080.45
109 Anthony Mastragostino UncleTony $1,080.45
110 Jose Juan Carlos Gonzalez Daoleonis $1,080.45
111 Thomas Maguire mag8500 $1,080.45
112 Dan Dizenzo iGetLost $1,080.45
113 Joseph Galazzo JOEYdaMUSH $1,080.45
114 Brian Wilson BETTERLUCK $1,080.45
115 George Ninos icmpecho $1,080.45
116 Romain Lotti terrrr1 $1,080.45
117 Gage Doyne greypoupon $1,080.45
118 Philippe Rousseaux Miamiphilip $1,080.45
119 Albert Riccobono BigAl16 $1,080.45
120 Bryan Georges bgeorges $1,080.45
121 David Lu Chinoloco $1,080.45
122 Nicholas Olivieri Jr Maggs $1,080.45
123 Thomas Sabatino Zebra_Debra $1,080.45
124 Mikhail Patish VOINE5 $1,080.45
125 Michael Klein joebiden $1,080.45
126 Tim Polcari TimmyKGB17 $1,080.45
127 Mark Perry askyourgirl $1,003.27
128 Peter Hengsakul EasyPeazy $1,003.27
129 Hung Truong nowitsover $1,003.27
130 Dave Alfa DunningKrugr $1,003.27
131 Saurav Desai blackoutmook $1,003.27
132 Drew Soik Bigpavelski $1,003.27
133 Stuart Gold studog $1,003.27
134 Austin Welch AJCash $1,003.27
135 Vladimir Grechnikov madrussian47 $1,003.27
136 Soren Lundgren SkateWilder $1,003.27
137 Jesse Sylvia MrJesseJames $1,003.27
138 Nicolas Zolofra Zskrrrrt $1,003.27
139 Dan Wach FATDAN44 $1,003.27
140 Jeffrey Dobrin Basil_Hayden $1,003.27
141 Eric Blair Bill_Luga $1,003.27
142 Ankush Mandavia rickrosstheb $1,003.27
143 Ronald Ellis Ceek100x $1,003.27
144 Jonathan Magal Yonotan $1,003.27
145 David Hausmann Roboshooter $1,003.27
146 Kutay Kalkan MisterKK $1,003.27
147 Thomas Morris Tbone317 $1,003.27
148 Ryan Martinez RocNation $1,003.27
149 Katie Lindsay katelin $1,003.27
150 Tom Steinbach GLfam $1,003.27
151 Michael Merrill tai.gau $1,003.27
152 Brian Deutschmeister BD_out $1,003.27
153 Nikan Javadzadeh IFoundOut $1,003.27
154 Joseph Curcio PITCHTHEBTCH $926.10
155 Daniel Pabon AllidoisWeee $926.10
156 Andrew Bloch rkkrb $926.10
157 Michael Bohmerwald BobMerwald $926.10
158 David Lieberman SobBaget $926.10
159 Nipun Java Javatini $926.10
160 Andrea Buonocore Andrewbull88 $926.10
161 Peter Park papichulo $926.10
162 Jackson White Actjacksn $926.10
163 Daniel Dipasquale wolfcola $926.10
164 Philip Yeh tomte $926.10
165 Vincent Moscati ALLinVin $926.10
166 Igor Leykin polkaking $926.10
167 Jeremy Kottler nothinpersnl $926.10
168 Dan Matsuzuki Powerplay111 $926.10
169 Phil Colache ReDonKuLiS $926.10
170 Joshua Ray Zeal1906 $926.10
171 Anthony Guerrera KingShippo $926.10
172 Paul Lee pwlee57 $926.10
173 Melisa Singh NJ_Melisa $926.10
174 Gary Payne ZpayneZpayne $926.10
175 Dominick Sarle CrookedFoot $926.10
176 Michael Federico vapor098 $926.10
177 Christopher Carle Voccgbcc0235 $926.10
178 Blaise Dsylva Pettywarz $926.10
179 Michael Iamurri arcangel3 $926.10
180 Ryan Dodd WhosYourDodd $926.10
181 Michael Krebs mike88krebs $848.92
182 Justin Vioral jvgunner32 $848.92
183 Brian Gates BaulHardigan $848.92
184 Carmine Ciccone Shem22 $848.92
185 Christopher Ryan DontBluffMe1 $848.92
186 Kyle Marlborough iWant2Win $848.92
187 Joseph Di Rosa Rojas MIMOJD11 $848.92
188 Heather Alcorn Blondy23 $848.92
189 Bryan Mancheno gupgup123 $848.92
190 Simon Lam BagelBites $848.92
191 Bryden Baxter BaxCap $848.92
192 Olivier Busquet Theseus $848.92
193 Vijay Para Eclypzed $848.92
194 Tara Cain bertperton $771.75
195 Edwin Roman Sr ImNotGood $771.75
196 Maurice Verstandig mverstandig $771.75
197 David Weaver EvsyGame $771.75
198 Don Farnen Saleen99 $771.75
199 Aaron Frei Fishfold $771.75
200 James Vales PRPirate420 $771.75
201 Robert Sembler BadBeat2315 $771.75
202 Caesar Singh Illiturit1 $771.75
203 Daniel Chan StayActive $771.75
204 James Carroll Meatsweats $771.75
205 Champie Douglas kiddchamp $771.75
206 Randy Ohel StayAlive $771.75
207 Elliot Marsh schmee24 $771.75
208 Blake Shapiro BShaps $771.75
209 Daniel Palacios daan_p $771.75
210 Aaron Sacks ads106 $771.75
211 Evan Scott Escott121181 $771.75
212 Edward Sabat Habibi $771.75
213 Shaun Odonnell nyjets23 $771.75
214 Steve Gross Gborooo $771.75
215 Richard Halford YourNotSure $771.75
216 Brian Altman JackBogle $771.75
217 Timothy Burt Trump2024 $771.75
218 Tim Kuder t3ekay $771.75
219 Brian Finkel CraftyLefty $771.75
220 Thomas Carter Carter12 $771.75
221 Bradley Owen MrMonkeyBear $771.75
222 Benjamin Abrahams ChaiPoker $771.75
223 William Klevitz Potrippper $771.75
224 David Enda Denda24 $771.75
225 Yin Wu Wuwu1982 $771.75
226 James Lillis BagelBud $771.75
227 Bryce Landier HitterStatus $771.75
228 Robert Natividad Nvrstsfied $771.75
229 Dustin Brown iPlayBingo $771.75
230 Zachary Donovan RupertPubkin $771.75
231 Erica Lindgren Huckcheevers $771.75
232 Kojo Quick BmoreRdy $771.75
233 Robert Webb BobbyO $771.75
234 Henock Yimer rebel07 $771.75
235 Jake Schafer schaf4206 $771.75
236 Steven Shapiro MJ1971 $771.75
237 Thomas Nyman DeadWr0ng $771.75
238 Eric Eng MrFeeny $771.75
239 Michael Noori FreshPrince $771.75
240 Leonard August smoothustler $771.75
241 William Dean Jr Bill_Dean_Jr $771.75
242 Alan Engel PhilIvey $771.75
243 Hasan Kural XAN_MAN $771.75
244 Kyle Knecht wildbill1963 $771.75
245 Matthew Livingston PugDaddy69 $771.75
246 Roland Israelashvili prngls12 $771.75
247 Daniel Lupo centrfieldr $771.75
248 Kevin Lutz VamonosPest $771.75