Photo Caption:  Michael Esposito doing the customary bust-out interview with ESPN's Kara Scott, shortly after being eliminated from the Main Event Championship final table on Monday night.

Most media interviews can be a lot of fun.

Reporters usually ask interesting questions designed to learn more about the player, so readers and viewers can get to know the featured individual up close and personal.

However, there's one interview that no poker player likes to do, which is the customary bust-out expose, normally conducted just moments after the player has been eliminated.

Keep in mind, most of the players who endure the bust-out interview have just undergone an emotional roller coaster.  They arrive at the final table with dreams of becoming the new World Champion.  But they ultimately leave with something less than that, although most will later agree – whatever happens – this is the experience of a lifetime.

Most recently, Michael Esposito was interviewed, just a few minutes after becoming the official seventh-place finisher.  No doubt, the Seaford, NY resident was more than gracious answering the questions posed by ESPN's Kara Scott, which went out to a worldwide viewing audience of millions.  However, Esposito's mind had to be elsewhere, especially when considering the devastating hurricane that's battering the East Coast at this time has caused considerable damage to the neighborhood where Esposito resides.  

Following a few words with the ESPN crew, next Esposito was shuffled in front waiting PokerNews cameras.  Afterward, he took a two-minute walk out the back door and to a podium, where he went through another 15 minutes of questions from reporters.

Esposito's answers were frequently punctuated by the cheers of family and friends, perhaps 6o to 70 of which turned out to support their favorite poker player in his time of disappointment.

“I'm really fortunate to be here,” Esposito told reporters.  “No matter what happened, I was already surrounded by all the people I love and respect.  What more could anyone else ask for?”